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Citrix Receiver 3.x and 4.x – Unable to launch as the application is not currently available

When trying to connect to a XenDesktop 7.x published resource, e.g. an puplished application or published desktop, you may receive the following error: Unable to launch as the application is not currently available:


With a subsequent Event Log entry in the XenDesktop 7.x Controller's Application Event Log, Source: Citrix Broker Service, Event ID 2100: Citrix Broker Service failed to validate a user's credentials on an XML service:


This is due to the Citrix Broker Service no trusting an XML request made for that resource. XenDesktop 7.x requires to trust XML requests sent to the Delivery Controller in order to broker a connection to the published resource. Therefore you need to configure the XML trust by running the following commands using Windows PowerShell on your Controller server:

asnp Citrix*

Set-BrokerSite -TrustRequestsSentToTheXmlServicePort $True



Verify that TrustRequestsSentToTheXmlServicePort is set to $true.

Further reading:

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