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Just recently I came across an interesting support case which involved an Exchange 2010 Offline Address Book (OAB) and Outlook 2010 clients trying to download it. The affected users received  an error stating: Error 0x80190194 - The operation failed. Problem is, this is a very common error when downloading the OAB and there are many server side problems which can generate this error:

This error can be caused by many a issues, e.g.

  • missing IIS and/or folder permissions (server-side)
  • IIS authentication issues (server-side)
  • IIS misconfigured http redirection (server-side)
  • file replication service issues (server-side)
  • missing or misconfigured OAB distribution settings (server-side)
  • OAB generating mailbox issues (server-side)
  • DAG replication issues and arbitration mailbox (server-side)
  • missing or misconfigured proxy settings (client-side)
  • download issues in terms of BITS (client-side)
  • et al

Troubleshooting methodology

In order to identify the affected OAB that my users tried to download I first had to get hands on the corresponding OAB GUID by running:

Get-OfflineAddressBook | ft Name,GUID

With the OAB GUID identified I started testing with a browser by navigating to the corresponding URL https://<ServerFQDN>/OAB/<GUID>/oab.xml, checking each server separately. I thereby received an Error 404 - Not Found on one of my servers, which in turn resulted in the aforementioned Outlook error 0x80190194 for my users. This error (which is basically a 404) appeared sporadically depending on the Exchange 2010 Server they were redirected to through our Load Balancer:

Further research on the server showing the Error 404 in particular showed that OAB with GUID 72189f79-62fa-4bcf-82ea-56dc45cfdeb0 is missing in IIS under the OAB node, thus assuming that this particular OAB has not been replicated between my Exchange 2010 Servers:

Missing OABs in the file system ... check the Microsoft Exchange File Distribution Services (MSExchangeFDS) on the affected server

The following location on the Client Access Server can be checked to see if the OAB files have been replicated:

  • %ExchangeInstallPath%ClientAccess\OAB\<GUID>

Permissions should also be checked. If any of the default permissions are locked or are missing, the OAB files might not be replicated. Have a look at How to solve Internal Error 500 when testing connection to the OAB or Exchange 2010: OAB download error 80190194.

I copied the missing web.config file as well an restarted the MSExchangeFDS service, to no prevail. Then I executed Get-OfflineAddressBook "<OAB Name>" | Update-OfflineAddressBook to no prevail. Finally I execute iisreset to no prevail.

Well, checking the distribution methods for the affected OAB revealed that the 2nd Exchange 2010 Server was missing in the Distribution tab of the OAB's Properties. I should have done this in the first place 🙂

After adding the missing Exchange 2010 Server and restarting the Microsoft Exchange File Distribution service by executing Restart-Service MSExchangeFDS the replication started immediately. The missing OAB showed up in IIS as well as in the folder structure.

Alternatively you could run the following cmdlet to initiate the OAB replication:

Update-FileDistributionService <ServerFQDN> -type oab

But even after a successful OAB replication I still received an http error 500 - Internal Server Error when acessing the OAB via browser in order to verify that everything's fine:

So, back to the web.config file, that was presumably missing the first time around. What does a web.config file actually do when placed in the OAB file directory:

When you configure Http Redirection a web.config file is created in the OAB directory. This file has incorrect permissions. Assign Read and Read & Execute permission to Autheticated Users group then restart IIS using iisreset /noforce.
Now you can try to download the OAB using Outlook. It may be required to download it twice because sometimes the name of the OAB doesn't appear at first try.

Well, that didn't count for me so I checked the web.config and IIS settings to verify whether any settings have been adjusted in the past that I didn't know of. As that wasn't the case I deleted it, but the issue still persisted.

Verify OfflineAddressBook property on the affected user's mailbox and adjust the missing OAB association:

Get-Mailbox <User>| fl Name,OfflineAddressBook
Get-Mailbox <User> | Set-Mailbox -OfflineAddressBook "<OAB Name>"

Further troubleshooting on the client-side:

With a corresponding Event Log entry on the client computer, Event ID 27, Source: Outlook, the issue can be further analyzed by following Microsoft's KB843483 article:

Protokollname: Application
Quelle:        Outlook
Datum:         05.12.2018 12:28:31
Ereignis-ID:   27
Ebene:         Informationen
Benutzer:      Nicht zutreffend
Computer:      <Computername>
Starting OAB download. (See event data).
<Event xmlns="">
    <Provider Name="Outlook" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="16384">27</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2018-12-05T11:28:31.000000000Z" />
    <Security />
    <Data>Starting OAB download. (See event data).</Data>
Protokollname: Application
Quelle:        Outlook
Datum:         05.12.2018 12:28:45
Ereignis-ID:   27
Ebene:         Warnung
Benutzer:      Nicht zutreffend
Computer:      <Computername>
OAB Download Failed. (Result code in event data).
<Event xmlns="">
    <Provider Name="Outlook" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="16384">27</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2018-12-05T11:28:45.000000000Z" />
    <Security />
    <Data>OAB Download Failed. (Result code in event data).</Data>

In my case the error messages stated exactly what I tried to achieve:

  • Result Code 2, i.e. You forced a full .oab file download manually.

Furthermore I checked some other client-side settings and known issues that could cause an OAB download error, such as whether BITS has some kind of problem when trying to download the OAB. An error 0x80200049 is often caused from the BITS job list being full. To fix this, you must clear/reset the BITS job list. Microsoft outlook uses BITS to download the OAB and if the BITS queue goes full it simply stops:

bitsadmin /list /verbose

bitsadmin /reset

The client-side proxy settings, i.e. the client should have  unobstructed access to Exchange via https:

netsh winhttp show proxy

netsh winhttp reset proxy

netsh winhttp set proxy <proxy>:<port>

In the end the last thing I had to ensure and configure was to enable GlobalWebDistribution for all my Exchange 2010 OABs in order to prevent server-specific connections when clients try to download the OAB:

Get-OfflineAddressBook | Where {$_.ExchangeVersion.ExchangeBuild.Major -Eq 14} | Set-OfflineAddressBook -GlobalWebDistributionEnabled $True -VirtualDirectories $Null

In my particular case that did it: the issue was resolved and setting the VirtualDirectories property to $Null reverted my solution attempt that I suggested previously 🙂 And I can tell you why: because my environment consisted of Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2016 Servers due to being in the middle of a migration.


With Exchange 2013 onward the CAS role proxies the OAB download request to an appropriate Mailbox role server. The CAS role maintains a log of each request it handles in the log files, present in folder %ExchangeInstallPath%\Logging\HttpProxy\OAB\. These log files are an excellent tool to identify which mailbox server the CAS chose to serve the request. Download issues can be analyzed with log files found in %ExchangeInstall%\Logging\OABDownload. The OAB generation logs can be found in the \Logging\OABGeneratorLog folder.

Maybe one of the steps outlined above will help you, too, to get rid of issues with downloading OABs for good.

Further reading:

While migrating from Microsoft Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2016 we came upon a typical issue in which Outlook keeps giving the message: "The Microsoft Exchange Administrator has made a change that requires you quit and restart Outlook". 

This means that users were totally unable to connect to Exchange during the migration and co-existence phase:

The reason for that was quite obvious (at least after we did some research and thinking) as we switched the Client Access from the old Exchange 2010 servers to the newly implemented Exchange 2016 servers, i.e. all client connections have been directed to Exchange 2016 only. As no mailboxes have been migrated at this point in time client connections need then to be down proxied to Exchange 2010 by Exchange 2016. All things considered it could only have been a question of the protocol being used by our Outlook 2010 clients. Assuming that our Outlook 2010 clients try to connect via RPC-over-TCP (as is the default setting configured in all internal Outlook 2010 profiles) this is an expected behaviour as Exchange 2013 and later no longer support RPC-over-TCP connections from client applications. They only support RPC-over-HTTP, in later versions MAPI-over-HTTP (MAPIhttp). An automatic switch in protocol to RPC-over-HTTP does not occur, thus Outlook 2010 won't find a valid connection end point and cannot be down proxied to Exchange 2010. The importance of this consideration is that if Outlook clients are using RPC-over-TCP prior to being migrated, it becomes even more important to have a process to update those profiles properly.

Required Outlook 2010 version:

In an Outlook profile under Exchange Proxy Settings you’ll find two options regarding fast and slow networks:

  • On fast networks, connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP
  • On slow networks, connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP

In order to understand what this setting really means have a look at the article Outlook Anywhere: Fast vs. Slow network connection over HTTP or TCP/IP:

Outlook Anywhere; Emphasis on “Anywhere”
First of all, lets take a closer look at the terms being used here:

  • TCP/IP connection
    This is the traditional (internal) direct-to-Exchange connection also known as a “RPC over TCP” connection or as a (not entirely technical correct) MAPI connection.
  • HTTP or HTTPS connection
    This is the over-the-Internet connection introduced in Outlook 2003 also known as a “RPC over HTTP” connection and nowadays knows as “Outlook Anywhere”.
    As of Outlook 2013 SP1 in combination with Exchange 2013 SP1, this is a MAPI over HTTP connection or simply: MAPI/HTTP.

The description for the HTTP connection doesn’t really hold true anymore as the HTTP connection can also be used internally. In fact, over the past few Exchange versions, the trend was to move away from the direct RCP connections and towards HTTP connections, even internally. Actually, as of Exchange 2013, all Outlook connectivity is taking place via Outlook Anywhere.

So, with having the option On fast networks, connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP being disabled we receive the aforementioned error:

With having the option On fast networks, connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP being enabled the connection can be established successfully:

Now, in order to rollout such a configuration change on a large scale (after careful testing of course!) you could utilize GPOs by either configuring the corresponding Outlook setting or by using GPP and manipulating the user's registry settings directly.

The required Group Policy Setting can be found in the corresponding Microsoft Office ADMX Templates under:

  • User Configuration | Policies | Administrative Templates | Microsoft Outlook 2013 | Account Settings | Exchange
  • User Configuration| Policies | Administrative Templates | Microsoft Outlook 2016 | Account Settings | Exchange

Please keep in mind that this setting is unavailable with Office 2010 ADMX.

Alternatively you could add the setting manually via GPP (Group Policy Preferences) under:

  • User Configuration| Preferences | Windows Settings | Registry

This XML based code looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Registry uid="{ADF10FBF-F683-4549-A19E-885D5A58D23E}" changed="2018-11-26 11:04:59" image="0" status="RPC" name="RPC" clsid="{9CD4B2F4-923D-47f5-A062-E897DD1DAD50}">
<Properties name="" value="" type="REG_SZ" key="Software\Policies\Microsoft\office\14.0\outlook\RPC" hive="HKEY_CURRENT_USER" default="0" displayDecimal="1" action="C"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Registry uid="{0C4FA337-45F4-4A16-965F-48155F45186F}" changed="2018-11-26 11:05:56" image="10" status="ProxyServerFlags" name="ProxyServerFlags" clsid="{9CD4B2F4-923D-47f5-A062-E897DD1DAD50}">
<Properties name="ProxyServerFlags" value="0000002F" type="REG_DWORD" key="Software\Policies\Microsoft\office\14.0\outlook\RPC" hive="HKEY_CURRENT_USER" default="0" displayDecimal="1" action="C"/>
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


With having the option On fast networks, connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP being enabled by GPO or GPP, the settings are greyed out, cannot be changed by the user, and the connection can be established successfully:

The Outlook Connection Status now shows: RPC/HTTP

Prior to switching Client Access from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2016 all Outlook 2010 clients connected via RPC-over-TCP, which shows as: RPC/TCP

With this configuration adjustment we were able to proceed with the Exchange 2016 migration without having any Outlook 2010 connectivity issues.

Further reading:

Exchange 2016 - Poor Outlook 2016 Performance - Troubleshooting - Server-side or Client-Side?

Just recently I came across a newly installed Exchange 2016 environment and had to analyze a "poor performance issue". I started my investigation by asking ... Google! Of course, everybody does it, but is not willing to commit it. This left me with the idea of creating another blog article on this matter. On the bottom of my blog article you'll find all relevant URLs which gave me (more or less) useful information during my time debugging the problem. As it turned out, there are multiple aspects to consider.

...continue reading "Exchange 2016 – Poor Outlook 2016 Performance – Troubleshooting"

After migrating to Exchange 2013 and/or 2016, and still having a couple of Microsoft Outlook 2007 installations left, the following issue started popping up: as soon as users launch their Outlook 2007 (while already being migrated to Exchange 2013/2016), they were always prompted for their Logon Credentials, though Remember my password has been checked:


...continue reading "Outlook 2007 and Exchange 2013/2016 – Keeps Prompting for Logon Credentials"

In case you try to open an attachment directly from within Outlook 2013 by double-clicking the corresponding Office file in the affected email, i.e. an .xlsx, .docx., or .pptx file extension, you might receive an error stating:

Word experienced an error trying to open the file or
Excel experienced an error trying to open the file or
Powerpoint experienced an error trying to open the file

with a subsequent error description of:

  • Check the file permissions for the document or drive.
  • Make sure there is sufficient free memory and disk space.
  • Open the file with the Text Recovery converter.

The German error message states:

Microsoft Excel kann keine weiteren Dateien öffnen oder speichern, da nicht genügend Arbeitsspeicher oder Festplattenspeicherplatz vorhanden ist.

  • Schließen Sie andere Arbeitsmappen oder Programme, die Sie nicht mehr benötigen, um mehr Speicherplatz verfügbar zu machen.
  • Löschen Sie nicht mehr benötigte Dateien vom Datenträger, um mehr Speicherplatz verfügbar zu machen.

German error message:


English error message:


In that case you're victim of Microsoft Office 2013's File Block Settings and Protected View Settings. The error message can be quite misleading as this is not an Exchange or Outlook issue. Instead it's directly related to the Microsoft application you're trying to open the affected attachment with.

You may follow the steps below to disable the Protected View in the corresponding Office applications:

Open Word/Excel/Powerpoint | File | Options | Trust Center | Trust Center Settings | Protected View

Uncheck all the options mentioned below and then try to open Word/Excel/Powerpoint attachment and check if it works fine:

  • Enable Protected View for files originating from the Internet
  • Enable Protected View for files located in potentially unsafe locations
  • Enable Protected View for Outlook attachments
  • Enable Data Execution Prevention mode

You may follow the same steps for other Office applications or configure them company wide via Group Policy Settings, e.g.:

  • User Configuration | Policies | Administrative Templates | Microsoft Excel 2013 | Excel Options | Security | Trust Center


  • User Configuration | Policies | Administrative Templates | Microsoft Excel 2013 | Excel Options | Security | Trust Center | Protected View


  • User Configuration | Policies | Administrative Templates | Microsoft Excel 2013 | Excel Options | Security | Trust Center | Trusted Locations
